Blog's Follower

Buat si kecil yg petah berbicara

Hello again people! It's me Tedd, the owner of the blog and i just wanna say that THIS IS MY TERRITORY and i can simply do what ever i want. Sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia, kita layak untuk menyuarakan segala jenis pendapat yg kita mahu. Jelas? Buat "ADIK KECIL" yg sedang membaca, this site which is my blog you're visiting is only for 18 and above. I think you too young and IMMATURE. SORRY KID! Well well well, tengok lah siapa yg dah menyalak. Dah tak ada kerja ke? Nak menyibuk pula? Did i mention your name on my blog? Tak kan? This is not about you. This is about HER. I REPEAT, this is nothing to do with yaaa okay. If you ever mess with me, i don't see any reason why i shouldn't blow you to "HER". So, we're done? Enough, you are just wasting my time.

NOTE     :   Utk pengetahuan semua, saya tidak kisah jika anda ingin menyuarakan sesuatu tetapi jika hal itu tidak berkaitan dgn anda, SILA dan SILA JANGAN berbuat demikian. TERIMA KASIH. Sorry others, biasalah, budak-budak, that's why i hate kids. =.="

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